Flat Bars

Our flat bars are available in a variety of materials, including steel, aluminum, and stainless steel, making them suitable for different environments and conditions.

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In construction, flat bars are commonly used as support structures for concrete slabs and beams. They are also used as bracing and framing components for walls, roofs, and floors. In the machinery industry, flat bars are used to manufacture gears, bearings, and other machine parts. In agriculture, they are used for fencing and livestock enclosures. In the automotive industry, flat bars are used for chassis and body components. In railways, they are used for track supports and switches. In various industrial applications, flat bars are used for welding, fabrication, and general structural support. Additionally, flat bars are available in a variety of materials, including steel, aluminum, and stainless steel, making them suitable for different environments and conditions. The thickness and width of flat bars can also vary, allowing for customization to meet specific project requirements. Overall, flat bars are a reliable and essential component in many industries, providing strength and support to a variety of structures and applications.


Flat Bar Sizes (inch)

inch 0,1 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1
1/2 0,25 0,32 0,47 0,63
5/8 0,32 0,40 0,59 0,79 0,99
3/4 0,38 0,47 0,71 0,95 1,19 1,42
7/8 0,44 0,55 0,83 1,11 1,38 1,66
1 0,51 0,63 0,95 1,27 1,58 1,90 2,53
1 1/8 0,71 1,07 1,42 1,78 2,14 2,85 3,56 4,27
1 1/4 0,79 1,19 1,58 1,98 2,37 3,17 3,96 4,75 5,54
1 1/2 0,95 1,42 1,90 2,37 2,85 3,80 4,75 5,70 6,65 7,60
1 3/4 1,11 1,66 2,22 2,77 3,32 4,43 5,54 6,65 7,76 8,86 9,97
2 1,27 1,90 2,53 3,17 3,80 5,06 6,33 7,60 8,86 10,13 11,40 12,66
2 1/4 2,14 2,85 3,56 4,27 5,70 7,12 8,55 9,97 11,40 12,82 14,24 17,09
2 1/2 2,37 3,17 3,96 4,75 6,33 7,91 9,50 11,08 12,66 14,24 15,83 18,99 22,16
3 2,85 3,80 4,75 5,70 7,60 9,50 11,40 13,29 15,19 17,09 18,99 22,79 26,59 30,39
3 1/2 4,43 5,54 6,65 8,86 11,08 13,29 15,51 17,73 19,94 22,16 26,59 31,02 35,45
4 5,06 6,33 7,60 10,13 12,66 15,19 17,73 20,26 22,79 25,32 30,39 35,45 40,52
4 1/2 5,70 7,12 8,55 11,40 14,24 17,09 19,94 22,79 25,64 28,49 34,19 39,88 45,58
5 6,33 7,91 9,50 12,66 15,83 18,99 22,16 25,32 28,49 31,65 37,98 44,31 50,65
6 7,60 9,50 11,40 15,19 18,99 22,79 26,59 30,39 34,19 37,98 45,58 53,18 60,77
7 13,29 17,73 22,16 26,59 31,02 35,45 39,88 44,31 53,18 62,04 70,90
8 15,19 20,26 25,32 30,39 35,45 40,52 45,58 50,65 60,77 70,90 81,03